Posted 7/11/2021
Hello Parents,
I pray that everyone is doing well and your families are safe. I am writing to inform you of a few changes being made and some issues that have been occurring lately.
The new schedule will start in August. Ages 5-12 will train on Tues and Thur. Ages 13-18 will train on Mon and Weds. This allows children to receive more personal training time with more coaches.
I would like to have all the children in the team shorts by Sept. I will put in an order (this will be done in August) and size the children in class. I will make sure they are one size up to allow for growth.
There will be a "5 Strike" system in place for late arrivals and late pick ups. As much we love the children, we cannot have them entering into the gym late. If you will be later than 10 mins, your child will have to wait until the next training day. Having children coming into the gym 20-30mins late is not fair to the staff or the children who already have a partner they are training with. We also cannot have children being left behind late. I truly understand there are circumstances that may cause this issue but reoccurring events will not be acceptable. It is not fair to the children nor fair to the coaches who have to sit outside and wait. Strike 1-3 (verbal notice) Strike 4 (1 month suspension) Strike 5 (cancelation of membership) As the program continues to grow, so do we. Every change made is to ensure that every child is safe, protected and having fun in a great environment. I truly believe in No Child Left Behind. Thank you all for your love, support and encouragement as we continue to build up our youth. As always, my phone is open to whomever may have any questions or concerns. May God continue to watch over you and your loved ones.
Sincerely, Coach Bryan.
Hello Parents,
I pray that all is well with each of you and your families. I'm writing to inform everyone of the new changes that are being made for our Youth Program. As a business owner I realize that it will be impossible to please everyone, but I hope and believe that the new changes will make the program better for our Youth's Development and for the coaches. Being that there are so many different age groups and belt levels, we are going to adjust the schedule so all that ALL groups will be able to receive proper attention and instruction while training.
The ages 5-12 will continue to train at 5:30pm on Tues and Thurs. This will allow the younger children to receive more attention, with more coaches. And it will also allow us to pull children to the side and help them one on one if they aren't learning as fast.
The teens 13-18 will train on Mon and Weds at 5:30pm. Being that the teens are older and have more control of their body, they are needing a higher paced regiment of training and more room. This will allow us to harden their workouts, so they develop at a faster rate.
Testing will also change from every 3 months, into every 4 months. I would rather take more time so that the children sharpen their skillset, than to rush an unfinished product. Once again, I realize this may not be optimal for "everyone" but we made this decision on what was best for the overall learning of the children and the future development of the Youth Program. Some of the children have expressed that they would like to compete and this will also help us to be able to begin organizing sparring for the students who would like to take their training to the next level. (This will require you to purchase sparring equip. I can help point you in the right direction) I cannot thank you all enough for sticking by our side and entrusting your children with us. A gym is only as good as its support group. You all have been absolutely amazing and I can only ask that as we continued to build our program, that you all give us patience as well all keep learning and growing,
Love, Coach Bryan.